Mission: Muskox is a project in development for submission to Climate Jam 2024. It is an educational game designed to help learners of all ages better understand the ways in which climate change affects the muskox, an animal species living in the Arctic. 

Update 1.1: 06/29/24

This update is for submission to the Prototype sprint of Climate Jam 2024. Included in the update is an actual prototype build of the game. Players can control the character sprite using WASD, explore a basic level, and view preliminary artwork.

During this sprint, I spent a lot of time learning how to import and animate character sprites within Unity. I'm looking forward to creating final sprites for both the player character and environment during the Production sprint. 

Below is also an update on the tasks completed based on the game design document submitted for the Ideation sprint of this jam. 

  • Finish tutorial on 2.5D game development in Unity
  • Create initial muskox sprites for player character in Asperite 
  • Design initial level terrain graybox in Unity 
  • Draft informational text for each level
  • Program player character controls
  • Program food collection mechanic
  • Program score keeping
  • Program timer
Updated 7 days ago
Published 14 days ago
StatusIn development


Mission Muskox - Climate Jam 2024 Ideation Document.pdf 534 kB


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The game right now from just a playtesting of the prototype is kind of confusing if you were to be showing it to someone to offer a pitch, etc. To help I would consider adding some floating text above game objects so that you at least know what the game objects are for and their intended use. (IE: What are the green chevrons for?)


This is an interesting concept for the jam! I appreciate the idea of the gameplay increasing in difficulty to reflect the effects of climate change on the Muskox's habitat. I'd say that providing more specifics on how exactly things will change would be helpful. The concept art and the detailed chart of development dates shows impressive understanding and commitment. I wish you luck!

Thank you so much for reviewing the document and providing your feedback!